Sunday, 1 August 2010

Day 1: Luanda

I'm starting this blog as a travel journal, to keep my travels straight, and keep people in my life up to date. Hopefully I'll be posting daily when on vacation, or near to it - to keep the memories in one place!

I'm currently in Africa, visiting Diogo's parents.,%20Luanda,%20Angola&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl That's where I am.

I've been in the US/Canada from 13 July to 29 July. Visitng my parents in St. Louis, going to the Lavender Festival in Sequim, WA, visiting Victoria, Canada for fun, Denver to see everyone. All sorts of business. Then we flew back to London, and Air Canada lost our bags. So, we panicked about that, since we only had 2 days between flights. WE got our bags Saturday afternoon after we'd done a lot of errands.

Side note: Joe, our drummer friend, lives with us now. :)

Anyways, back on track. Flew out today, after our minicab didn't show up, then our first flight was delayed on the tarmac, so we landed at the time our second flight was supposed to be boarding, but thankfully, that flight didn't leave for an hour, either. It was both lucky and unlucky. Our flights were long and tedious, but we're in a nice cool airconditioned house now. Have no idea what we'll be doing tomorrow. Will take pictures, though, and post them as the days go on. :)


  1. Hi girl! it's Kaylyn, this seems pretty exciting! I can't wait to hear more!

  2. So happy to see you'll be blogging about your trip. I'm excited to hear your perspectives and read about your adventures!
    Sharon (aka Aunt Sharon)
