Sunday, 3 April 2011

My butt hurts much less, or Day Three: Amsterdam

Maria and I are blogging at the same time. OMG GUYS. Lawl. Simon is making a crazy sounding noise from the mixing stick thingy because we’re having pancakes for dinner. I bought prosciutto for mine, and i also bought some of the best thing on the planet – stroopwafels! Look it up, they’re friggin’ amazing pieces of gooey awesomeness. I will be sated when I have a lifetime supply of stroopwafels. Unfortunately I can’t carry that many around Europe. My life is so hard. Winking smile

Today, we went to the Van Gogh museum. We cycled there, with our sore butts protesting, but we suffered through. It was well worth both the uncomfortable bike riding and the €14 entry fee. We spent four hours looking at all of the stuff there. I’d seen a lot of it before, but it was nice to see it all together and with a lot of Van Gogh’s inspirational artists.

After the huge amount of time we spent and the museum we toddled over to the Amsterdam Centraal train station, and exchanged some more money for Maria, and then rode to a supermarket where we bought all of the food we are rather impatiently awaiting. We just recently got home, and Maria’s bike ended up with a flat tire, unfortunately. But, for riding around for two days in a city we don’t know on bicycles that are new to us, it was rather good that the bicycles (or us!) didn’t suffer any more damage.

I didn’t have much of a chance to take pictures today – pictures aren’t allowed in the Van Gogh museum. So, really, all of the pictures I have are of the museum’s square. Smile

Tomorrow morning, we get on a train bright an early – 7.04 am – to get to our next destination, which has changed from our initial plan. Trains were sold out for our initial plan – we were supposed to not even be in Amsterdam today for the whole day. But, I liked the extra day here. It was nice. The weather was not as nice as yesterday, but at least it wasn’t raining. There’s always something to be thankful for.

Tomorrow we’re doing 12 hours of train travel (in)directly east from here, and I’ll probably have either an exceedingly long entry because I’ll be writing on the train due to boredom, or a short entry because I’ll have just gotten in and will want to collapse into a heap in the hostel immediately. Either way, this entry has reached its natural end, let’s not force it any longer.

To see the pictures from today, click here.

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